The Family Ministries of the Maine District strive to support all aspects of the family. Ladies, Men's, and Marriage Ministries all work hard to encourage and build up strong foundations for the families of Maine.
Family Ministries
Family Ministries
Maine District Ladies Ministries
The mission of Ladies Ministries is to equip and mobilize Apostolic ladies of the world for service in the kingdom of God; to maintain a spirit of cooperation with the various ministries of the organization; to preserve Apostolic doctrine; and to maintain and transmit the heritage of the past to the present and future generations through teaching and by example.
Partnering with UPCI's Ladies Ministries, the Maine District Ladies Department hosts events aimed at connecting, encouraging, and equipping the ladies of the Maine District and raises money for Mother's Memorial to support various ministries within the district and around the world.
Maine District Ladies Conference: This event is geared towards women age 16 and up and is held the first weekend in May. Offering daily services, workshops, and networking opportunities this event aims to connect ladies from around the district. Daytime sessions cover a variety of relevant topics for women of all walks of life and in different areas of ministry. The evening sessions are a great time of corporate worship and ministry to all attendees of the conference.
Ladies Sectional Rallies: Each fall the Ladies President and Secretary travel to each section in Maine and host a rally at a local church. The purpose of these rallies is to join with ladies in a smaller, more intimate setting than a conference, to connect with and encourage the ladies of the Maine District.
Esther Conference: This event is geared towards young ladies age 8-16 who desire to draw closer to God and form lifelong friendships. Held in November, this conference encourages young ladies to grow in their relationship with God. Daytime sessions are geared towards girls of all age groups, focusing on prayer, self care, mental health, and a variety of other topics. Evening services are filled with worship, and a focused message for young ladies living for God. Each year there is a special Esther Conference Choir for all attendees to participate in.
Mother's Memorial Offering
Each year on Mother's Day, churches across the state receive an offering to support Mother's Memorial. This program supports many ministries such as Global Missions, North American Missions, Tupelo Children's Home and many more. To learn more about the programs that Mother's Memorial supports, check out the UPCI Mother's Memorial page.

Maine District Men's Ministries
In partnership with the UPCI Men's Ministry, the Maine District Men's Ministry strives to equip men across the district to discover their purpose, power, and place. We host annual events and collect a Father's Day offering to support departments across the district and around the world.
Men's ATV & Motorcycle Ride: Each summer we participate in a two-day motorcycle ride or a full day ATV ride. The motorcycle trip usually leaves from Prospect and travels north, there is a stop for dinner and hotel reservations are open for each person to stay the night. The next morning there is a group breakfast before heading back home. The ATV ride meets in central Maine and travels local ATV trails. There is a pit stop for lunch and back to the meeting point by the evening.
Father's Day Offering
Each Father's Day churches across the state receive an offering and this offering supports North American Missions, Global Missions, Children's Ministries and Apostolic men across the world.